My name is Amira and I am ten years old. I am from Amsoran, east of the town of Kadugli, South Kordofan /Nuba Mountains.
When the war broke out on 6 June 2011 in Kadugli, we were forcibly displaced because our village was near the town. One week later, the situation was getting worse so we could not return to our home. We continued staying at a nearby village until we heard about going to Yida.
On 30 July 2012, after being displaced from our village, we used to hear people talking about Yida Refugee Camp. We then left for Yida. It took us a week to reach the camp from South Kordofan. It was very difficult – we had no food, water, shelter or other basic things. It was really an unexplainable situation, but it was God who protected us until we reached Yida safely. After reaching Yida, we spent five [5] days not knowing who to approach, only feeding from our local foods that we had brought along such as simsim, groundnuts and many other wild fruits collected on the way. After five days we were directed to the UN office by some people around. There we were welcomed, registered, given food, utensils and things for sleeping like blankets, mats, mosquito nets ,roofing materials. They showed us a place called block three where we should build our own house and stay. It took my mother a long time to build us a house because she was alone and we were still young.
The food was distributed monthly and we were given sorghum, cooking oil, peas and salt. There weren’t any proper schools or sport activities until I joined Green Kordofan. I think this is going well and I think that if it continues like this, the sport activities at Yida will be the best ones of all.